Where To Begin

Congratulations! You have chosen your preferred business model, Network Marketing, with our preferred supplier, Shaklee corporation. Now we will build a business that leverages the power of Shaklee’s business model. Shaklee’s Multi-Level Marketing system pays in depth. That means we will be rewarded not only on our own efforts (personal purchases and any direct sales), but on product volume created by others in our organization as well!

Our job is create an organization for product distribution that is

(1) Affordable (2) Simple and (3) Profitable.

3 keys to Success

image 3 keysAny business must accomplish these 3 essential objectives to be successful:

  • Attract Traffic and Capture Leads
  • Followup, Nurture, and Convert Leads into Business Builders and Customers
  • Create Sales Volume (how we do this is different than most other MLM’s)

The Way We Used to do it

Most MLM companies train their distributors in the traditional ways and practices of building a business. Entrepreneurs are taught to get out there into the ‘physical’ world and specialize in direct selling techniques. Attract traffic by going out and talking to people, inviting them to in-home events, and manning a booth at various functions. Nothing wrong with these income producing activities. Some people have built large organizations using these skills. But what if that’s not for you?graphic people networking

What we’ve discovered by doing these physical activities is they’re:

  • Labor Intensive
  • Lots of Rejection
  • Most People Don’t Like to “Sell” (so it’s not very duplicatable)

“See The People” (STP)

Traditional network marketing leaders teach us to get us out and see The People. One objective of capturing leads is to get names+numbers that we can followup with at a later time. What if you don’t have the extra time to go out and find these people? The sheer effort required to make person to person contact with the number of people required is very labor intensive (and potentially expensive). What we’ve found, because we couldn’t physically can’t get out of the house to do this, is another way to accomplish the same thing.

Besides being time consuming, constant rejection can be a demoralizing process. The active network marketer, out in public, will encounter the word ‘NO’ far more often than the word “Yes”. We recognize that not everyone will be interested in what we’re offering, and that’s perfectly ok.  Talking to strangers, and handling objections, are basic “selling” skills required by most MLM organizations. Sometimes this is a steep learning curve not everyone is willing to navigate.

There’s nothing wrong with selling. My Dad raised a family of 4 in a very nice fashion through his talent as an ethical professional salesman. What we’ve found, however, is simply that most people don’t want to specialize in “selling”. If you’ve ever noticed neighbors cross the street when they see you coming, you’ll truly know how far some are willing to go to avoid being “sold”.

Our Team has an exclusive, and easier, way to [A] Promote our business and [B] Sort out the No’s from the Yes’s… without specializing in sales, or ever leaving home.

The Way We Do it Now

graphic: Lead Magnate

The first step in building a successful online business is Capturing **Interested** Leads in the Virtual world. Since we’re not actively going outside the house chatting up strangers, setting up product booths, and meeting with people over coffee, how are we going to generate new leads?

Attracting Leads Online

We want to socialize in the Virtual world, online, and do it in a way that is not aggressive, intrusive, or feels like a ‘hard sell’. We want to ATTRACT interested people to our business. And not only that, we want to somehow automatically Filter these people between those who are interested and those who may not yet be.

We promote a Website to do the work of introducing our business (or product) for us, without having to physically deliver it in person.  In other words, we only work by appointment over the phone and internet. We only spend our valuable time speaking directly with those who request to speak with us. Each website is designed to build our pool of interested contacts without leaving home. How does it do this? By providing Value. We call these internet addresses “Lead Capture Websites” (LCW). This is what they’re designed to do:

– increase the number of people we can reach

– Reduce the number of “NO”s we must deal with.

Permission Marketing

We provide a website with enough value to create interest. We enable people to make their own decision whether to learn more or move on. Our website, effectively, helps people “self-sort”!

Only people who are interested will enter their name and number requesting additional information. Their information is automatically ‘captured’ (or retained) in our contact manager. Our contact manager, like a virtual rolodex, is that pool of leads, we follow up with. We populate this contact manager, in part, through the willing participation of those actively requesting to learn more.

Lead Capture Website

There is more than one Lead Capture Website (LCW). In fact, we have Several LCW’s, depending on what kind of traffic we wish to attract. They all fall under these basic 3 types:

  • Promote
  • Educate / Offer free gift
  • Invite

So how do we use these LCW’s? Well, if we were in the physical world, it would be our booth at a trade show that would be designed to attract people to stop by and see what we’re offering. The traffic is already there. We know not everyone is going to stop by and that’s ok. We only want those interested to have a look. Those that want to learn more, will give us their name and contact information so we may follow up with them later in more detail. We’ll use our LCW in basically the same way.

Want to start using Lead Capture?

Remember, Everyone on Our Team Has Access to the Same Lead Capture Tools We Use! Comment or message us to discuss.

Not on our team? Let’s work together!


Thanks for checking in!





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