What can you do Today that can improve All your Tomorrows?

Perhaps you remember the story of Johnny Appleseed? Based on an real man, John Chapman, who actually planted apple tree nurseries in several American States. The legacy of this philanthropic conservationist is of one who traverses the countryside planting apple seeds wherever he goes. He joyfully spends his life creating a legacy that will help generations he’ll never meet. What did he know that is worth remembering in our lives now?

Apple Seeds variety "Prinzenapfel"

Plant Seeds

Some sow seeds for a season, some for a lifetime, some for all time. We choose to sow seeds for all time. Our entire business model is driven by the selfless sharing of tiny seeds wherever we go. This starts with a principle and a vision. The principle is one of generosity. when you believe you live in abundance, then there is always enough to go around. Before justifying seed planting across the countryside, one must first have a reason for doing so.

Apple Seedling

If you’re in the produce selling business, open a grocery or farmer’s market. Share an apple pie or two, just to remind people of other delicious ways to enjoy apples.

If you’re in the nursery business, sell seedlings to orchards. Like John Chapman, help tend and protect those seedlings until the trees can stand on their own.

If you’re in the business of helping others, and you’re vision is to leave the world a better place than you found it, start by sharing the seeds – and their fruits – with everyone. Eat apples, plant seedlings, grow orchards, and teach others how to do the same.

The Fruit of Life

Red Apple on Tree

It has been said: “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago… the second best time is today”. If we want our own apples, anytime we want, we’ll need our own tree. Without it, we rely upon others to supply apples for us. Practically speaking, that is what most of us do today. Philosophically speaking however, Life is simply more joyful living in an abundance of what you love than living in scarcity or dependence.


Apples Ripening on Tree in Sunshine

One seed can grow into a tree that will produce fruit year after year after year. One apple can produce enough seeds to begin an entire orchard. One orchard can produce enough fresh fruit for thousands of people. Thousands of orchards can help feed the world. That is the power of multiplication. But it all starts with a vision.


Quote Henry David Thoreau

What do you see when you look at a tiny apple seed?

We are not purveyors of fresh fruit (although we do make a great apple pie, lol)… We ARE in the proverbial seed sowing business.

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