It’s no secret…

There is no “Magic Pill”. There is not “One Answer”, nor any “secret” you already don’t know. In fact, a multi-billion dollar industry has grown up convincing people there IS a magic solution out there for whatever ails us.

Today’s marketing is so effective, pervasive, and subtly ubiquitous, millions of people willingly spend much of their money searching for the next best thing. Unfortunately, few of us are taught the skills of how to discern fact from fiction, truth from hype, and what is truly safe from dangerous. Many more of us simply don’t have the time to do our own adequate due diligence.

If we only rely on information provided by the advertiser/advertisement, we will be woefully uninformed, and often misinformed, and may cause ourselves more problems than we solve.

My understanding of Health and Wellness comes from 20 years experience coping with acute, disabling, CFS/ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). Google the term if you’re not familiar.

Persons disabled with CFS/ME often have the low quality of life of an end-stage cancer patient, but without the end (hence the term ‘chronic’). In an attempt to get better, patients (and their families) will try anything and everything until they find something that helps. This makes victims of chronic illness vulnerable to being victimized all over again by uninformed, or unscrupulous, product marketers.

I’ve personally spent Tens of thousands of dollars, and years of trial and error, on countless remedies that did not help. That is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of dollars of prescription drug and medical care directly related to my illness. Maybe the knowledge I share can save you some time and money.

I’ve tried so many different products, treatment methodologies, medical protocols, prescriptions, potions, concoctions, formulas, and healing modalities. Yet, although discouraged at times, I’ve never given up hope. In fact, I’m more hopeful now than ever before.

We must EACH become our own best Health Advocate. To be sure, we should utilize available medical doctors, complementary medicine, and alternative practitioners for their expertise. None of these choices, however, can cure an incurable disease… especially one that has no known root cause, or universally accepted treatment.


Each of us must discern what we have control over and what we do not. Too often, we give up that power too quickly, or unnecessarily, through blind trust in marketing claims.

My Journey has had One Big Positive side effect…I discovered various ways to attain, and maintain, my best health ‘for me’ (that is to say, within the parameters of my illness). Each of us will be slightly different, but all of us are subject to the same long-term chronic conditions prevalent in our ‘modern’ society.

Remember, living a predominately sedentary life (regardless of the reason) can produce side effects including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, bone degeneration, muscle deterioration, and mental/emotional health issues. It is important to remember that most of these are, in large part, PREVENTABLE conditions dependent upon lifestyle choices. That statement applies equally to every single person, no matter what health parameters we live within.

When it comes to Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Health/Wellness, your mileage will vary from mine, but my journey may leave clues that can help you on your way towards reaching YOUR best Health + Wellness. Whatever products I recommend, you will decide to try for yourself, or not. It’s up to you. You are the captain of your own ship. I am just the lighthouse.

No one can ‘make’ us healthy. Healing occurs within the body when we give the body what it needs to heal. Too often, our attempts to ‘control’ physical symptoms / outcomes, get in the way of addressing the underlying issue. Headaches are not caused by an aspirin deficiency. Acid-reflux is not caused by an antacid deficiency. Most of us too quickly seek only a quick fix to our pain. What is Equally Important is to build / rebuild the foundation of our health with proper Nutrition and Lifestyle choices.

What I Do:

I focus my limited energy on the things I have direct control over:

  • What I put IN my body
  • ON my body
  • and in the environment AROUND my body.

The tools and skills any of us need to succeed in our lives already exist within us. It is how we listen to these messages (or don’t), that determine whether our actions lead us towards our goals, or away from them.

So, the secret, it turns out isn’t something you don’t already know. There is no magic bullet to reaching, and maintaining, our best health… it really is a result of simple choices, acted upon regularly, over time.

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Best of Health to You!

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