Black Shoelaces with AgletsHow can Shoelaces tell us how long we’ll live?

When I was a kid, learning to tie my shoelaces, I never thought they’d one day be a good analogy for the stuff of life itself. Shoelaces, whether braided from cotton, nylon cord, or some other material, will be capped off with an “Aglet”. This is functional tube (usually plastic or metal) compressed onto each end to keep the fibers from unraveling.

DNA Strands

Turns out our DNA, are like braided cords of the genetic blueprint within every cell of our body. To keep these interwoven genes from ‘unravelling’ and failing to duplicate, they are held together on the ends by Telomeres. Telomeres are basically just proteins. The longer the Telomere, the more youthful the cell.


Cartoon Old Chromosome / New ChromosomeThe older you are, generally, the Shorter your telomeres are. Telomeres get shorter with each cellular replication. When entire groups of cells are no longer able to divide properly, biological systems will begin to suffer. This causes a gradual decline in functionality, performance, resilience, and resistance. We call this process ‘aging’. In extremely rare cases, gene mutations can expedite this ‘aging’ process.



Do these genes make me look old?Cartoon gene mutations

What can happen when even the tiniest mutation occurs in our DNA? Progeria (HGPS) is one example. This very rare, fatal, gene mutation, related to telomeres, causes “rapid aging”.  At any given time, there are less than 400 kids worldwide with Progeria. Most do not live beyond their 18th birthday. Watch the Awesomeness of Sam Berns (RIP October 23, 1996 – January 10, 2014) and how he found happiness against such odds.


Sam Berns Motivational Progeria Patient

Learn more about this tragic condition at: Progeria research foundation . Our hearts and prayers go out to the families who’ve had one or more children visited with this cruel disease. But let’s not come unraveled just yet… how do telomeres affect the rest of us who are fortunate, and blessed, to not be facing life with such a fatal condition?



What are scientists learning about aging that can help the rest of us? 

Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn won the Nobel Prize for her discovery of telomerase, the enzyme that replenishes telomeres. This biomarker has since been called the greatest predictor of longevity.

We’re talking about Lifespan and Health-span… that portion of life when we’re at our most healthy and functional. Since her discovery, Dr. Blackburn has been researching how diet, exercise and other lifestyle habits and interventions influence telomeres. She has partnered with the #1 natural nutrition company in America to implement some true advances in the improvement of human health and wellbeing.Graphic of Planets being bombarded by Meteor shower

All of our cells are constantly being bombarded with cell-altering insults of many kinds. Examples include: too much Sun, Smoking, Over-eating empty nutrition ‘food-like’ products, accumulative exposure to low-dose toxins, chemicals, radiation, and pesticides in the environment around us, plus a little thing called -STRESS-. All of these processes wear down the integrity of our cells.

My interest in cellular health and longevity began with the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS, a.k.a. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) in 1999. My journey of discovery continues to this day, as traditional western medicine has been unable to provide a ‘cure’, or even an FDA-approved pharmaceutical for restorative treatment. If you, or anyone you know, lives with the daily challenge of a disabling “invisible” illness, perhaps you’ll appreciate the emphasis on self-education and self-advocacy. In any case, my focus has matured from one of complete medical dependency to more self-reliance through a greater appreciation of the wonders of nature. Instead of looking for someone else to “fix” my problem, or even find out what caused it, I now investigate ways to maximize my own health and wellness within whatever life I’m fortunate enough to receive. I may not be able to reverse the effects of CFS, but I can give my body every possible advantage to help it heal itself.

Graphic image of Road Sign saying "Fountain of Youth just ahead"

If anyone tells you they have found the ‘Fountain of Youth’… buyer beware! In deference to all my fellow chronic illness warriors who’ve been inundated over the years with ‘cures’ by people who were supposedly ‘cured’ and now want to ‘cure’ you too… I promise not to do that! We personally don’t know of any magic that will instantly transform an old person back into a younger looking version of themselves… except in a faerie tale.

That being said (and meant), if it hasn’t been proven by double-blind, placebo-controlled, peer-reviewed science, I’m probably not interested. There is a patented, plant-based, liquid supplement that, when taken regularly, has been shown in laboratory studies to impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging. It shows improved Antioxidant Activity, increased density of Mitochondria, Much greater Inhibition of protein glycation, and Greatly Reduced oxidative damage (free radicals).

You may not have a terminal illness like progeria, or a chronic illness like CFS, but if you’ve ever wanted to put more years in your life, and more life in your years, you can benefit from the experience of others. Try a real product backed by real laboratory studies, and actual published clinical testing, not the overhyped marketing of an empty shell that won’t help, and may even harm.

Shaklee’s Vivix has become a delicious part of our daily diet!

This scientifically proven product is guaranteed by Shaklee to meet your expectations, or your money back. I continue to improve my diet, reduce exposure to toxins, and make use of whatever tools traditional, and alternative, medicine offers. I also incorporate Vivix into my daily treatment program. As it turns out, Vivix shows promise in other areas I’d never thought about before now. I’ve mentioned telomere length and also discovered studies relating to age-related macular degeneration.

To my knowledge, there have not been any studies to date measuring benefit to persons with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Feel free to use me as a case study. I have been consuming Vivix 3-5x per week for years now (in addition to medically prescribed pharmaceuticals and other supplements).

  • Has it ‘cured’ me? No.
  • Did I expect it to? No.
  • Does it make a noticeable, positive difference in my overall functioning? Yes.
  • Will I continue investing in Vivix? Yes.

As always, your mileage may vary. You may consider doing what I did: enroll with Shaklee as a ‘distributor’ or ‘member’ to get the discount pricing. Set up an ‘autoship’ order to have one bottle delivered to your door each month and try it for 6 months. See our followup blog post (“Heard it through the Grape Vine”) for ideas to see how we enjoy Vivix in our lives. Since our Shaklee supplier guarantees you will get the results you expect, or your money back, there is no risk. I figured I couldn’t lose. Turns out, I’m actually winning 🙂

You may order Vivix from our Online Store:


Or, Order the Vivix + Vitalizer Daily Nutrition Strips, for a limited time, to save money on shipping, and/or a free membership


Whatever you choose, Be Well.

Note: Vivix is NOT a medication. I am not a doctor and cannot prescribe anything. Therefore, by law (and FDA regulation), this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

PS: Only Shaklee has this patented product. In fact, Shaklee has bought up most of the vineyards in the south-eastern United States that grow this particular variety of Muscadine grape. They have insured a steady, high quality, organic, Non-GMO supply for years to come.



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