Staycation - Stay at home vacation


If you’ve ever taken a vacation without leaving home,

you’ve taken a ‘staycation’.


If you’ve ever turned a hurricane evacuation into a short holiday,

then you’ve been on a ‘hurrication’.



When life gives you lemons… make lemonade.


Here’s how we made the best of a difficult time given our own limitations and challenges.

Natural Disasters can devastate lives in a heartbeat. Tornados, Fires, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Flash Floods, Mudslides, can all happen before there is time to react. Homes may become unstable, unsafe, or even wiped away. Lives people have built in one place for decades can be turned inside out and upside down in an instant.

Satellite image hurricane

In the southeastern United States, we’re subject to hurricanes. The good news about hurricanes is there is often plenty of warning before it hits. That gives residents the advantage of time to prepare. Following internet weather sources, we knew more than a week in advance to expect landfall of hurricane Irma and planned accordingly.

Keyboard key says 'Disaster Plan'

Having an emergency plan makes last minute preparation MUCH less stressful and more likely to be successful. Governments, hospitals, nursing homes, and businesses have disaster plans, shouldn’t you?

Evacuating your home can be stressful and dangerous enough when you’re young and healthy, even with the resources to do so. Those with physical, mental, or emotional impairments/disabilities can find the experience completely overwhelming and possibly life-threatening. Physical and financial assistance may be needed to safely and comfortably evacuate those unable to do so for themselves. Consult your doctor before making any evacuation decision.

handicap placard

Studies show just how Physical Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome were exacerbated by the stress of Hurricane Andrew 1995

Those who know us, know Anne and I are challenged by physically disabling symptoms of severe chronic illness. Managing simple activities of daily living on a consistent basis in a routine, predictable way is, in itself, overwhelming most days. ‘Attitude’ can make a significant difference in how we experience events around us, especially those we have little or no control over. Being mostly home-bound, a mandatory evacuation can either be the most stressful time of our lives, or an opportunity to experience a pleasant change of surroundings for a little while. Knowing what we have control over, and what we don’t, helps us manage the stress.

Anne's feet     Jeffrey's feet

Our main objectives:

1) Stay Safe

2) Stay Hydrated

3) Stay Nourished

4) Maintain treatment modalities

5) Keep Stress to an absolute minimum


Here’s our criteria for preparing to leave home in an emergency:

  • Secure a safe destination to travel to. Budget can play a significant role. Family, and friends may be the most economical places to hunker down. However, factoring in considerations of chronic illness, helps us define a destination that would support our treatment parameters and not exacerbate symptoms or invoke a relapse. We appreciate and cherish those who volunteer to open their homes to us, yet recognize our lifestyle may be somewhat inconvenient for others.
  • We must recognize rather specific requirements to support our best health, especially in times of high stress:
    • Control over our destination environment
      • Temperature
      • Noise
      • Light
      • Odors
      • air quality
      • exposure to chemicals, allergens, virus and bacteria
    • Control over our schedule
      • sleep without interruption
      • eat off hours
      • be able to leave of our own accord
  • For us, a hotel room seemed the best choice. We used the internet to narrow down choices that would allow pets. Then phoned for a reservation as many days in advance of leaving as possible.

hotel reservations placard

  • Transportation: Those who cannot drive themselves must find a ride. We are blessed to have our own vehicle and (between the two of us) can drive it ourselves – stopping for rest-breaks as needed. The most important thing is to insure it is in running order. We then get it gassed up before local stations close or run dry. Electric vehicle owners may need to map out charging locations along their expected evacuation route.

  • Pets: We have 2 cats that keep us, so we packed cat food, treats, litter box, litter, toys and blankets with a familiar smell to keep them comforted while away from home. If the animal companions aren’t happy, no-one is happy.


  • Self Sufficiency lessens the stress load. We packed the car with extra pillows, clothes, toiletries, prescription drugs, supplements, food, and drink.
  • Food and Drink. We control our ability to hydrate and eat when/where we wish by taking 1-2 weeks supply of food with us. This is possible because we keep that much pre-packaged food on hand, and ready to go in case we must leave in a hurry… Real food, not ‘food-like’ products. We replenish (as we consume) products at home through monthly internet re-orders and home delivery.
  • More ‘Control’ means Less Stress: We’re not dependent upon local restaurants, grocery, or convenience stores at our destination, or along the way. There may be power outages, bottlenecks of evacuees, employee absentees, and re-supply shortages for days. Just knowing we have MORE control over our dietary needs helps us set easy expectations we know we can meet. This reduces stress. Also, if we get stuck in long lines of traffic, we’re fully stocked to snack and stay awake. Remember, it is important to give the body the nutrition it needs ** at the time it needs it**.
  • Nutrition: We enjoy Shaklee meal bars, snack bars, shake mixes and protein to insure proper nutrition whether or not we have electricity or refrigeration. Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for the first couple of days. Other portable foods like nuts, seeds, dried fruits and legumes are great traveling snacks, too. Many choose to live off fast food, junk food, or mystery roller-meat, but that would only exacerbate symptoms of our illness and possibly cause us to be stranded away from home in a relapse.

  • Hydration: We take Shaklee Water Filtration pitchers with us to insure access to plenty of clean water. Shaklee also has teas, and hydration products to boost energy, quench thirst, and maintain proper mineral balances.


  • Chemical Exposure: Hotels can be notorious for using strong-smelling industrial ‘cleaners’ that leave toxic residue behind to be absorbed through human skin or pet paws. We bring our own Shaklee non-toxic, green cleaning and personal care products to help control the hotel environment once we get there. The maids LOVED us because they never had to clean our room! We never let them in, lol. Their job was limited to the occasional towel exchange for fresh linen.
    • Shaklee Basic H2 concentrate for general purpose cleaning and degreasing of utensils, containers, and public surfaces.
    • Shaklee Germ-Off Wipes to limit viral and bacterial exposure on everything from door knobs and fuel pumps, to keyboards and phones and remote controls.
    • Shaklee Basic-G (germicide) to disinfect hotel surfaces, air handlers, and bathroom facilities.
    • Hair Care (Shampoo, Conditioner, Scalp Treatment, Finishing spray)
    • Skin Care (Lotions, Moisturizers, Lip balm, Anti-Perspirant, Shaving)
    • Laundry (Detergent, Softener, Dryer Sheets)


Some may think we tote all these products with us to retail them to strangers. No. We’re not in the “selling business”, we’re in the “buying business“. We buy from ourselves, for ourselves, and teach others how to do the same. Our business focus is on helping others build an online Network for Product distribution, not to actually distribute individual products ourselves. Our business is completely online… Even WE shop online from our own Shaklee Account.

We do Love and Value all our Preferred Customers who’ve discovered the value of Shaklee.

Click Here to Browse our online store.

Let us advise and guide you. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Never any expectations or risk.

We’ve found a healthier way to live, and Love the Life Shaklee empowers us to Lead.

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