The Secret to Health

Category: Health & Wellness

It’s no secret… There is no “Magic Pill”. There is not “One Answer”, nor any “secret” you already don’t know. In fact, a multi-billion dollar industry has grown up convincing […]

Kidney Stones and Sports Drinks

Category: Chronic Illness

Hydration March is Kidney Awareness Month. We all know how critical it is to maintain proper hydration for optimal health. Our bodies are mostly water. Every bio-electro-chemical reaction that takes […]

Glycemic Index and Diabetes

Category: Chronic Illness

Did you know that according to the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much more likely on average to develop type 2 diabetes compared to […]

Plan B

Category: Chronic Illness

What do we do when the script for our life doesn’t work out? How do we graciously slip into Plan “B”? This is a question posed in the book Mr. Owita’s […]

Category: Earn Online

What does Freedom Mean to YOU? List your top 10 ideas of what more ‘freedom’ would look like in YOUR life. Each of us may envision Freedom differently. The definition […]

Garbage IN, Garbage OUT

Category: Health & Wellness

There’s a term I learned in the computer industry many years ago: “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. It means if the logic of your assumptions is flawed in your programming, whatever […]

Idiot Lights

Category: Chronic Illness

Most men take better care of their CARS than their own Health A great car guy, funny comedian, and long time former host of the Tonight show, Jay Leno, might […]


Category: Earn Online

When you think of Voting, you probably think of casting a ballot in an election. And, although I hope you do vote in every local, state, and federal election, that […]