Kryptonite for Millions

Category: Chronic Illness

Kryptonite was a term coined by DC Comics for their “Superman” cartoon series in the 1940’s. A mineral from the planet Krypton that drained Superman of his powers. Exposure to […]


Category: Earn Online

Some people have really put a lot of thought into each of us… well not us as individuals, per say, but our purchases… what we consume. It’s because, no matter […]

A Gut Feeling…

Category: Health & Wellness

Did you know there are more 10x more probiotics in your gut, than cells in your body?!  (Gotta Love those little buggers!) In fact 70% of your immune system receptors […]


Category: Chronic Illness

  If you’ve ever taken a vacation without leaving home, you’ve taken a ‘staycation’.   If you’ve ever turned a hurricane evacuation into a short holiday, then you’ve been on […]

A Helping Hand

Category: Health & Wellness

Natural Disasters, none of us are immune… Hurricane Harvey: Lumberton, Texas (east of Houston, just north of Beaumont) under water. Thousands of square miles in urban, suburban, and rural areas completely […]

Disease Conscious to Health Conscious

Category: Health & Wellness

Self Medication has become a standard ‘health maintenance‘ behavior for most Americans. We’re talking about prescription medications (whether legally or illegally obtained), OTC (Over-The-Counter) drugs, and even Herbal, Vitamin, Mineral, […]

Heard it Through the Grapevine

Category: Chronic Illness

If you’ve heard of ‘Resveratrol‘ (a polyphenol from grapes that reportedly helps the human body reduce inflammation from oxidative stress), you may have seen a decades-old CBS News 60 minutes […]

Be the Light

Category: Health & Wellness

The Lighthouse has long been a symbol of guidance. It’s purpose is to serve as a reliable navigation beacon helping maritime traffic find its own way through treacherous waters. A […]