Plan B

Category: Chronic Illness

What do we do when the script for our life doesn’t work out? How do we graciously slip into Plan “B”? This is a question posed in the book Mr. Owita’s […]

Idiot Lights

Category: Chronic Illness

Most men take better care of their CARS than their own Health A great car guy, funny comedian, and long time former host of the Tonight show, Jay Leno, might […]

Crabs in a Bucket

Category: Earn Online

Peak Crab Season on the Coast of Georgia is August through October. That means good eating. But when it comes to people, being crabby usually means bad behavior and a […]


Category: Earn Online

88 years ago, One of the founders of modern economic theory, John Maynard Keynes, predicted we’d all have a lot more leisure time today. “Keynes revolutionized economics and its forecasts, and […]

Be the Light

Category: Health & Wellness

The Lighthouse has long been a symbol of guidance. It’s purpose is to serve as a reliable navigation beacon helping maritime traffic find its own way through treacherous waters. A […]