Plan B

Category: Chronic Illness

What do we do when the script for our life doesn’t work out? How do we graciously slip into Plan “B”? This is a question posed in the book Mr. Owita’s […]

Seed Sowing Business

Category: Wealth Creation

What can you do Today that can improve All your Tomorrows? Perhaps you remember the story of Johnny Appleseed? Based on an real man, John Chapman, who actually planted apple […]

Level Playing Field?

Category: Wealth Creation

The American Dream Traditional American values promote the idea that anyone can, with hard work, become successful. The definition of “success” may vary between individuals, but it usually includes not […]


Category: Earn Online

“Leverage” is Multiplication Although the Ancient Egyptians probably used it while building the Pyramids, Archimedes is credited with some of the earliest known writings on Levers: ‘Give me a place […]

Get a New Gig!

Category: Earn Online

What is a GIG? A scheduled performance? A fast, thin row boat? A lightweight, 2-wheeled, horse buggy?         We live in a GIG economy! This is the […]

Exit Strategy

Category: Wealth Creation

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail No matter what you do, do you have a plan for what happens after you stop doing it? No matter how successful you are, […]


Category: Wealth Creation

The Pursuit of Happiness It’s a right guaranteed in the American Constitution, but how do we actually do it? Everyone today is a consumer in our capital-driven economy. We, as […]


Category: Wealth Creation

John Augustus Roebling engineered the famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. An immigrant from Germany, a Union Civil War veteran, he left a legacy that still stands today 150 […]


Category: Earn Online

Landscaping When we spend time and money to improve the yard around our house, we call it landscaping. Many Americans devote a great deal of their disposable income to improving […]