We get, in life, what we tend to focus on most consistently

Businesses, as well as individuals, tend to create a reality based on that which they’re focused on most of the time.

Here’s what we, at MyJeffreyJones focus on:

lens brings eye chart into focus


Who we are: people that will leave this world better than we found it.

Our business model includes personal development. We’ve found that a commitment to life-long learning makes our tomorrows better than our yesterdays. We seek open-minded, self-motivated people with a strong willingness to create a better future for themselves and their family.

When we know better, we do better.


Where we’d like to be: Our business model allows us to LIVE anywhere we want, not just wherever ’employment’ is located. Our business model enables us to make a living AND make the biggest, most positive difference for as many others, in as many ways, as we can. 

Of course we’d like to be financially independent, who wouldn’t? Usually this refers to all the external trimmings and embellishments like a fine home, a nice car, and a large net worth. 

Experience tells us that financial independence is always a moving target. Wealth does not always equal safety and security. Even the wealthiest people can (and do) go bankrupt. Money is an intangible concept used to build the structure of our lives. Too often, the pursuit of money becomes a self-made prison that actually keeps us from living the lives we truly want along the way.

We start by refocusing on the foundation upon which we’ll build.

Part I of this foundation is: a healthy lifestyle supported by proper nutrition, and an ever increasing awareness of what is in the consumer products we purchase and use every day. Let us become more aware of what’s in the products that go IN our bodies, ON our bodies, and in the environment AROUND our bodies. Our health depends on it.

Part II of this foundation is: A wealth generator: A simple, duplicatable, proven online system available to anyone regardless of race, age, gender, education, ability, national, social or economic background.

This foundation is strengthened by living ethically, honestly, and authentically. We’ve found that those who seek to take advantage of, or cheat others, just don’t last in our business. 


How we’re getting there: by helping others, who seek us out, reach their own personal goals regarding health, wealth, and wellness.

Our business model is designed to enrich those who actually help others improve their own circumstances. Whether health related, and/or income related. We only succeed when those we work with succeed. 

Perhaps the most memorable experiences of our lives include when we make a meaningful difference in someone else’s life. Lifting up others enables us to stand taller than than we can on our own. Focusing on something bigger than ourselves can be very liberating from our own personal challenges and impediments.


What we do is: Share, Guide, and Teach online for FREE. That’s right, we’re building a mobile network for product distribution, and self improvement, based on up-front, open, honest, FREE quality content.

Every human being needs Health and Wellness to survive, and to thrive. We may want Wealth, but the first wealth is, in fact, Health. What we know for sure is when we lose our health, nothing else matters. Achieving, and maintaining, our best health is the first step towards insuring we can build, and enjoy the wealth we generate.

We’re in the relationship business. An educated consumer is our best business partner. 


Each of the above factors comprise our WHY

It is a person’s WHY that motivates them. It is a person’s WHY that empowers them to continue when times get tough. We can’t provide you your ‘why’, but when you know your ‘why’,  perhaps we can help with the Who, What, Where, When, and How.

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