What does Freedom Mean to YOU?

List your top 10 ideas of what more ‘freedom’ would look like in YOUR life. Each of us may envision Freedom differently. The definition of freedom could be rendered down into a few basic categories. Most people mention ‘more money’, ‘more time’, ‘better health’, or to somehow have ‘more control’ over their lives. Perhaps each of these could be summed up in one word: Choice. To me, it stands to reason the more options we have to choose from, the more freedom we have. Isn’t that what we’re all working so hard for? To be able to choose how to live our lives?

Abundance = More Freedom

When we live with an abundance of money, of time, of health, by definition, we have more options. The more money we have, the more purchase choices we have. The more free time we have, the more ways we’ll be able to spend it. The better our health, the more we’ll be able to do physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Scarcity, of course, is the opposite of abundance.

Scarcity = Less Freedom

When we live with a scarcity of money, we’re unable to buy what we want or need. Lack of money inhibits our ability to travel where we’d like, eat what we’d like, and live how or where we’d like. If we’re forced to work 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet, we experience a scarcity of free time. No matter how efficient we are, there will still only be 24 hours in every day. Some of that time must be allotted to sleep, self-care, and personal issues. If we’re not free to choose how we’d like to spend our limited free hours, we’re lacking a degree of freedom in our lives.

What does Freedom Mean to US?

handicap signHealth is our first wealth. For Anne and I, our first, and main objective was (and still is) to reach our best health possible. We’ve both been challenged by disabling chronic illness for decades now. One thing we’ve learned for sure: When we lose our health, NOTHING else matters.

All the money in the world is worthless if you can’t enjoy it. Being wealthy is worth less when your net worth must be spent on Disease care (medications, treatments, procedures).

Time takes on a new meaning when you’re bed-ridden with illness, injury, or disease. All the free time in the world can be torture when you’re in pain, incapacitated, or completely miserable.

How do we Create More Freedom?

Your life challenges may be different than ours. Your life goals may be different than ours. Regardless, if you Love Your Life, you’ll want to see how we’re focused on Living Our Best Life:

[A] Maximizing our best Health possible

[B] Building a continuous future income

To do this, we’re building our own Mobile Online business (from home). We call it our Mini Office Outlet. It is the vehicle by which we guide and teach others, over the phone and internet, how they can bring more freedom into their lives. We call it:


There is literally so much to share, we had to break it down into bite-sized pieces. “FreedomEffect.com” is simply one way we promote our Mini-Office Outlet concept, for FREE. Clicking the link above takes you to a short introductory video. Watch it NOW 🙂

We’ll see you online!


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