What is a GIG?

A scheduled performance? A fast, thin row boat? A lightweight, 2-wheeled, horse buggy?

guitar gig       Rowing Gig

We live in a GIG economy!

This is the biggest economic shift in our lifetime. A Gig economy is an environment where temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements. A study by Intuit predicted that by 2020, 40% of American workers would be independent contractors.

This means we all must work smarter, not harder, if we want our dreams and aspirations to come into reality. Because remember, an employer doesn’t hire you to make YOU independently wealthy… they hire you to build wealth for THEM.

Cartoon Gig Economy - the poor work harder, the rich get richer

Signs you’re in a Gig Economy:


Middle Class Income is declining

70% of All working Americans make less than $50,000 / year

fewer jobs for more people, people working more for less.

So What?

It’s about Survival, that’s what. We can’t keep doing the same things and expecting different results.

Darwin quote: Adapt to Change

J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)

Do you have a “JOB” mentality (J.O.B. = just over broke)? Are you a serial employee who goes from job to job expecting to get ahead, but never seem to? Perhaps you even hold 2 or 3 jobs simultaneously to bring in extra money? Even some of the most educated, experienced people can’t seem to make ends meet in today’s economy. We don’t always have control over outside influences, but we DO have control over our own mindset and approach.

I’m not saying quit your job. I’m saying take a long hard honest look at your job / career path. Make a list. Be honest with yourself about exactly what is being offered to you, and exactly how that job is limiting you. Even if you’re ok with the benefits and limitations of the job you have now, what will you do if those benefits get cut, your workload gets heavier, your position gets downsized out from under you, your ability to do that job becomes impossible?

Now is the time to begin creating an extra stream of income that will not be dependent upon the good graces of an employer. Now is the time to put your hands back on the levers and controls of your own future.

Cookie Fortune: Invest in Family

Invest in YOU, YOURSELF, and YOURS

How will you build economic security for your family in this new economy? There is definitely more Freedom in becoming an Entrepreneur than an employee. You will have more Control over your Time, over What you do, When you do it, and with whom you choose to do it. One of the quickest, best ways to become an Entrepreneur in today’s smartphone generation is by starting an online business in an expanding market. One does not need to be a computer expert to embark on such a project. Basic skills are all that is needed to begin.

Why start an Online Business?

  1. It’s Affordable
  2. It’s Flexible
  3. It’s Scalable
  4. Very Low Risk
  5. You can keep your current job

What to Do?

Evaluate Different Online Business Models. Spend some time, do your due diligence. Choose what is best for you.

  1. You could be an online reseller
  2. You could do freelance work online (Blog, Vlog, Videos, etc)
  3. You could become an affiliate marketer
  4. You could build a Mobile, Multi-Level, Online Business

What We’re Doing

We’re building what we call a “Mini Office Outlet”. We’re building from home, but it is totally mobile, so it can happen from anywhere. All businesses benefit from ‘word of mouth’. “Network Marketing” is another way to describe a business model based on ‘word of mouth’. Today’s best Network Marketing companies are leveraging the unprecedented technology available to anyone online. But not all Network Marketing / Multi-Level Marketing companies are the same.

Race car image

Some business vehicles are literally Racing cars while others are horse buggies. What happens when we drive a horse buggy on an automotive track?… we get run over. It’s time to get a new Gig. Come see what we’re doing:



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