“Leverage” is Multiplication

Although the Ancient Egyptians probably used it while building the Pyramids, Archimedes is credited with some of the earliest known writings on Levers: ‘Give me a place to stand, and I shall move the Earth’. Of course it would take a lever long enough, and a fulcrum to balance on, but the idea holds. Choosing the right place to be, and the right tools to use, can enable one person to lift far more weight than they could by themselves. Leverage is critical for one person to multiply their effort.

the number two, squared

Who Multiplies their Efforts?

No one succeeds by their efforts alone. This is especially true in the world of Multi-Level / Network Marketing where most pay-plans reward entrepreneurs for helping make other people’s dreams come true. The only way to truly be successful lifting up your world, is to lift up other people’s worlds. To do this, each person must multiply their strength, many many times over, using the simple concept of “leverage”. We’re Building an Online Business using Leverage as a Strategy to multiply our personal efforts.

Why We Multiply

Anne and I have been challenged by disabling chronic illness for many years. Persons with CFS / ME have varying degrees of impairment up to and including being completely bed-bound. When your physical ability to maintain a consistent, predictable, level of exertion over a period of time is impaired, it makes holding a traditional “job” practically impossible. The amount of effort we can devote to any activity is physically limited, yet we still want to make the best of our lives whatever the challenges. If ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, then the resourceful television character “MacGyver” is the father, lol.

What Would MacGyver Do?

meme: MacGyver

We had to ‘MacGyver’ a solution to our problem. We needed a unique way to market our business online, without having to leave the house. Anne and I were attracted to the MLM / Network Marketing business model, in part, because it is designed reward people for helping others. That’s the way we multiply our personal efforts.

We unreservedly choose the #1 Natural Nutrition Supplier in the Health and Wellness Industry because their products are guaranteed to work. Shaklee is our Supplier of health and Wellness products to our customers and business builders. Shaklee takes responsibility for the research, development, logistics, distribution, shipping, customer service, quality control, etc.  Shaklee, like most MLM companies, relies on its distributors for word-of-mouth marketing.

Traditional methods of building a Network Marketing business simply weren’t an option for us. Our sponsors, and their sponsors (aka ‘upline’) had become quite successful using the traditional methods of Network Marketing in the physical world as Shaklee “distributors”.

How We Multiply Our Efforts

We needed a more flexible, scalable way to focus on building a business that did NOT specialize on direct selling, given our own limitations.

Anne and I tried getting out of the house, meeting people, setting up booths and tables at trade shows and events, as well as holding “in-homes”, and “lunch and learns”. We were Good! Our sponsors specialize in, and teach, excellent Direct Selling skills and strategies. Unfortunately, we couldn’t maintain that level of physical exertion and social interaction on a consistent basis. 

We needed a way to Leverage our efforts. So, we chose to outsource much of the technical infrastructure and daily income producing activities to a responsible third party. To make the most of our efforts, we needed to Find:

  • the right Strategy
  • the right Tools
  • the right Place to be.

In our search for credible 3rd party systems, we came across countless marketing companies offering numerous marketing strategies, none of which addressed our specific needs. Then, we discovered “Your Freedom Project”.

image: Your Freedom Project, woman laptop on beach

“Your Freedom Project”

This excellent marketing company was created by Shaklee distributors for Shaklee distributors. Jody Steeg, his wife Maribel, his parents Peter and Kerry, have literally put decades of collective experience building Shaklee businesses together into one online system.

They offer an incredible behind-the-scenes infrastructure that does the heavy lifting for us. Their system becomes the scaffolding upon which independent Shaklee distributors may build their own structure for product distribution online. Of course, one does not need to be disabled, impaired, or otherwise challenged to succeed using this option. It is designed to work for anybody!

To Learn more:

Watch our Short Intro Video on how WE Leverage more Freedom in Our Lives:


We look forward to seeing you online!



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