The Cost of Commuting

Category: Earn Online

Lost Money The Average American driver spends over $10,000 per year in commuting expenses Lost Time The Average driver in Los Angeles loses over 100 hours/year just stuck in traffic! […]

Seed Sowing Business

Category: Wealth Creation

What can you do Today that can improve All your Tomorrows? Perhaps you remember the story of Johnny Appleseed? Based on an real man, John Chapman, who actually planted apple […]

Category: Earn Online

What does Freedom Mean to YOU? List your top 10 ideas of what more ‘freedom’ would look like in YOUR life. Each of us may envision Freedom differently. The definition […]

Level Playing Field?

Category: Wealth Creation

The American Dream Traditional American values promote the idea that anyone can, with hard work, become successful. The definition of “success” may vary between individuals, but it usually includes not […]

Pit Stop

Category: Earn Online

Race Car Drivers Professional drivers are the entrepreneurs of the automotive racing world. They put their butt on the line. It is their skills, and their endurance, that will take […]


Category: Earn Online

“Leverage” is Multiplication Although the Ancient Egyptians probably used it while building the Pyramids, Archimedes is credited with some of the earliest known writings on Levers: ‘Give me a place […]

How To Promote Lead Capture Online

Category: Earn Online

What is “Lead Capture” Perhaps you’ve read our blog How To Generate Leads Online If so, you’ll understand we use Lead Capture to help populate our virtual ‘rolodex’ for doing business online. Any […]

How to Generate Leads Online

Category: Earn Online

Where To Begin Congratulations! You have chosen your preferred business model, Network Marketing, with our preferred supplier, Shaklee corporation. Now we will build a business that leverages the power of […]

Get a New Gig!

Category: Earn Online

What is a GIG? A scheduled performance? A fast, thin row boat? A lightweight, 2-wheeled, horse buggy?         We live in a GIG economy! This is the […]

Exit Strategy

Category: Wealth Creation

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail No matter what you do, do you have a plan for what happens after you stop doing it? No matter how successful you are, […]