5 Questions To Ask YOUR Vitamin Company

Category: Healthy Nutrition

“Caveat Emptor”, latin for “Buyer Beware”. Due Diligence Even centuries ago, deceptive marketing practices flourished. Today, it is more important than ever for consumers to be educated, informed, and aware. Before […]


Category: Wealth Creation

The Pursuit of Happiness It’s a right guaranteed in the American Constitution, but how do we actually do it? Everyone today is a consumer in our capital-driven economy. We, as […]

Garbage IN, Garbage OUT

Category: Health & Wellness

There’s a term I learned in the computer industry many years ago: “Garbage In, Garbage Out”. It means if the logic of your assumptions is flawed in your programming, whatever […]


Category: Wealth Creation

John Augustus Roebling engineered the famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. An immigrant from Germany, a Union Civil War veteran, he left a legacy that still stands today 150 […]


Category: Earn Online

Landscaping When we spend time and money to improve the yard around our house, we call it landscaping. Many Americans devote a great deal of their disposable income to improving […]

Idiot Lights

Category: Chronic Illness

Most men take better care of their CARS than their own Health A great car guy, funny comedian, and long time former host of the Tonight show, Jay Leno, might […]


Category: Earn Online

When you think of Voting, you probably think of casting a ballot in an election. And, although I hope you do vote in every local, state, and federal election, that […]

Crabs in a Bucket

Category: Earn Online

Peak Crab Season on the Coast of Georgia is August through October. That means good eating. But when it comes to people, being crabby usually means bad behavior and a […]