Trillions of Reasons to Supplement

Our bodies contain trillions of cells. Diagram of a cell
Billions of new cells are created every day. Each cell is like a high performance engine. It needs high quality raw materials (nutrients) to function properly. Every system of your body (cardiovascular, digestive, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic, endocrine, etc) needs the right quantity and quality of nutrients. You’ve heard “You are what you eat”… in other words, you will look, and feel, and perform based on how you eat.

Your Body Can’t Manufacture All the Nutrients it Needs on It’s Own

Scientists define a vitamin as a compound essential for life. In fact, the term “essential nutrient” actually refers to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc that the body NEEDS to live, but does not create on its own. Therefore, it MUST come from what we ingest. Essential nutrients can ONLY come from the foods we eat, and the supplements we take.

Proper Nutrition and a Healthy Lifestyle can Actually Prevent Many Major Diseases

Time Magazine Health Issue
June 22, 2009 – Prevention

Each and every day, we make choices that will either improve our health, or harm it. Studies show that when we don’t eat right, get to/maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and supplement with proper nutrients, we actually INCREASE our risk of developing certain diseases (Heart Disease, Cancer, TypeII Diabetes). If Good Health is a CHOICE, then Disease (in many cases) is also a choice, or more specifically, a series of little choices, and their accumulative effect over time. We have a “health care” industry that actually focuses on “disease care”. This means it is up to each and every one of US to become our own best health advocates. It becomes OUR responsibility to modify our choices, behaviors, and habits in order to reduce our risk of developing preventable diseases.

Heart Disease is the #1 Killer in the US

Image Doctor holding your Heart in her hands

Every minute of every hour of every day, someone dies from a heart attack. According to the American Heart Association, 80% of all heart disease in women in preventable with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices.

Cancer is the #2 Killer in the US

Approximately one of every two adults will be diagnosed with cancer sometime during their life. The American Cancer Society reports that 60% of all cancer-related deaths can be prevented by improving lifestyle choices (e.g. healthy activity, healthy weight, healthy nutrition, stop smoking).

Diabetes: The Illness Multiplier

Diabetes contributes to more than 230,000 deaths every year. Plus, if you have diabetes, your are 2 – 4x more likely to have a heart attack or stroke and 10x more likely to have a limb amputated. Also, Diabetes is the #1 cause of kidney failure and blindness. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that 90% of all type 2 diabetes is PREVENTABLE with proper nutrition, healthy weight, and healthy lifestyle behaviors.


Our S.A.D. Diet is a BIG, FAT Problem

graphics Junk FoodsThe Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is causing a plethora of health challenges. The United States ranks 37th in Longevity behind countries like Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, and Greece, even with all the medical technology and pharmaceutical innovations available today. A major consequence of our S.A.D. is the obesity epidemic, which affects even our children! In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement suggesting unless current trends reverse, 1/3 of all children born today can expect a shorter life than their parents (due to Type2 Diabetes).

Compromise of Convenience

Our super-busy lifestyles drive us to make compromises of convenience in what we eat, when we eat, how we eat, how long we spend eating, and how much we eat. Fast Food Sales have Increased nearly 2,000% over the past 30 years. 1/3 of our total calories come from fast food, which is lacking in good nutrition. Not only does high-fat, high-carbohydrate fast food deliver a lot of empty calories, but research shows that it also may result in acute inflammation. Consuming these high-fat, high-calorie fast food meals regularly may lead to Chronic Inflammation, which may put you at risk for many diseases linked to inflammation (e.g. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Certain Cancers, and Alzheimer’s).

Eating Right” Just Isn’t What it Used to Be

When we ask folks in what ways they take care of their health, more often than not, people respond “I try to eat right”. 98% of Americans do not eat the recommended 7 – 9 servings of fresh, unprocessed, fruits and vegetables each day. What is even More Surprising: even when we try to do the right thing, the nutritional value of our produce isn’t what it used to be. In fact, a study of 43 crops showed a decline in the nutrient content of up to 38% over the past 50 years. Consequently, 90% of Americans fall short in getting essential nutrients in our diets… AND MAY NOT EVEN KNOW IT. This helps makes supplementing today even MORE important than ever before.

Proven Benefits of Nutritional Supplementation

The Good News is that the very latest research suggests you can positively influence your health every day through the lifestyle changes you make and though the quality of your nutritional intake. Once you decide to supplement, which manufacturers do you consider? and why?


How do you KNOW if your supplements are actually helping to make you healthier or not? One factor in determining where WE would spend our money was the Landmark Study. A groundbreaking study of people who took a wide range of high-quality nutritional supplements for 20 years or more showed dramatic benefits compared to those who took just a multivitamin or no supplement at all. These long-term supplement users were 73% less likely to have diabetes, 39% less likely to have high blood pressure, and nearly 4x more likely to describe their health as “very good” or “excellent” compared to non-users. In other words, consuming a wide variety of high-quality supplements is associated with better health and reduced risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and more.

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth

In our modern world of “Fake News”, if you want to get something ‘right’, it is important to look into the past for a long established trail of documented evidence. Many of the world’s leading experts in medicine, biochemistry, and nutrition believe nutritional supplementation positively affects overall health. Doctors from Harvard, Stanford, and Yale, and researchers from the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Cancer Society can’t all be independently wrong on this issue. If you want to improve your health, be sure to get some of the most important nutrients your body and your brain need to function optimally: a multivitamin, vitamin D, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and probiotics.

What Can YOU Do Regarding Supplementing Your Diet

  • Look for Clinical Studies on the Ingredients or Products
  • Look for Natural and Organic Ingredients on the Label
  • Avoid Artificial Sweeteners, Flavorings, and Preservatives
  • Trust a Company that Focuses on Safety and Quality
  • Insure Your Supplement Manufacturer offers a 100% money-back guarantee
  • Read our Blogpost “5 Questions to Ask YOUR Vitamin Company”

What WE Do Regarding Supplementation in Our Diet

After almost 20 years of disabling Chronic Illness (and 30 years for Anne), We’ve tried all kinds of supplements from all kinds of sources. We’ve spent literally Thousands and Thousands of Dollars on supplements with little, or no positive effect on our health. We’ve gone through stages of great hope, great disappointment, and quite frankly, negative cynicism at times regarding the whole idea of supplementation.

Image: Shaklee Vitalized MineralsYet, When we Know Better, We DO Better. It wasn’t until we discovered a company formed by the man who actually Invented the first Natural multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement, that we began to approach our nutrition in a different way… a way that HAS produced real, and positive, health results. The 60 year old company’s name is Shaklee, Inc. Instead of constantly pursuing the ‘next fad’, or blindly accepting (largely unregulated) manufacturer’s claims, we’ve done our own homework, and become our own best nutritional advocates.



If you’d like to research, and purchase, the primary health & wellness food supplements we choose, check our online shop at:



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