
image Landscaping When we spend time and money to improve the yard around our house, we call it landscaping. Many Americans devote a great deal of their disposable income to improving the “curb appeal” of their home. Giving the outside of a residence a makeover can greatly increase the enjoyment an owner feels. Improving and Tailoring the land on property can not only add to its beauty, but also the value, and ultimately the sales price. Landscaping is an investment in your property you expect will pay a return in the future.


What are YOU doing TODAY to insure you will have enough money for the rest of your life?

What are you doing TODAY to insure your family is taken care of when you no longer can?

2 Basic types of Income:

Active Income

silhouette figure workman– usually means salary, wages, commissions, or other income earned in exchange for something we do. A  job is essentially an exchange of one’s time for money. A second, or better, job is an exchange of one’s time, knowledge and skills… for money. Of course, the problem is there’s only 24 hours in a day.

Passive Income

Silhouette figure woman lounge beach chair– usually means income earned without our direct effort. It is indirect, and ideally, generating income for you while you’re doing whatever you do most of the time. The ideal solution would be for passive income to meet, or exceed, all your wants and needs, even if you cannot work.


The average millionaire has at least 7 sources of income


Examples of Passive Income include (but are not, by any means, limited to):

  • Capital Investment Income (Capital Gains on Commodities, Real Estate, Precious Metals, etc)
  • Rental Income (Real Estate)
  • Financial Investments (Interest income, Dividends, Annuities, Trusts, Pensions, Settlements, etc)
  • Promotional Income (affiliate marketing, fundraising, etc.)
  • Royalty Income (this is what we’ll focus on in this blog)
    • Intellectual Property (Brand, Artistic Creation, Performance Art, Copyright, etc.)
    • Business Franchiser Income
    • Continuing income from a Multi-Level Marketing organization

The American Dream

graphic thought cloud

It’s called the American Dream. Like many Americans, I focused most of my efforts and energy on becoming “successful” (insert your meaning of that word here).  The idea, we all know well, is simple: work hard, work smart, invest for the future, live and retire comfortably, leaving a nice legacy behind for your family. I had my own limited investment experience in stocks, bonds, and various kinds of funds, for capital gain, interest income, and dividend income. I’ve also owned Real Estate aside from my residence for Investment and Rental Income.

The American Nightmare

graphic thunder cloudWhat do you do when that dream becomes unattainable through no fault of your own, like illness, accident, or injury? What I have found out, that I hope and pray no one else has to, is that a disabling illness can prevent you from working, evaporate your assets, and drain your life’s savings in today’s United States of America. My advice? Keep all those same objectives that motivate you to work every day… supporting your family, buying/maintaining a home, raising children in a safe and comfortable lifestyle, and explore another way to attain that.

Like many of you, I prepared for such eventualities by investing, and by purchasing insurance. We buy insurance to protect everything from our homes, to our cars, to our life, to our vacations (in case we have to cancel). What if, and I’m speaking from experience, What if you were diagnosed with a chronically disabling illness that impaired, or prevented, you from working? Most insurance becomes a temporary stop-gap to help you stay afloat financially until you get better. What if you don’t ever get better? What do you do if insurance isn’t sufficient, or when it runs out?

How would your life be affected if you lost your job, couldn’t work, couldn’t pay the bills, and couldn’t recover? This may be where you’d expect private and public social safety nets to catch you before you hit the ground. Sometimes they do, more often than naught, they simply slow your descent to the bottom. And, in today’s political climate, even these minimal protections are being legislated away. So, what does someone who hits ‘rock bottom’ do? Well, too many people can simply do nothing. Their lives tragically end there, or continue on in despair. It is the healthy people in our society who will decide whether or not to care for the most vulnerable among us. If you cannot work, but your health permits you to look for another way to replace that active income you can no longer earn, there is hope. You may explore building a source of passive income.

Royalty Income

graphic Royalty Check

“Royalty Income” is getting paid repeatedly for work you do once. Artists create art. Actors create a performance. Authors copyright publications. Inventors create from nothing. Celebrities promote their brand. The estate of Elvis Presley still banks tens of millions of dollars every year, even though the performance artist who created the music, and the image, passed away in 1977. Entrepreneurs who franchise their business can also create a stream of residual income. Those that are already wealthy can purchase a franchise as an investment, and it’s stream of income. These are examples of how passive income from Royalties can continue paying long after the original effort was expended.

But what if we’re not that talented, or wealthy? What if we don’t have the assets to start a franchise others are willing to buy into? What if we’re not famous enough to profit from the privilege of others using our name? What if we don’t have the talent to perform professionally, or consistently author publications for profit? How do we go about creating Royalty income?

What if you could create an ongoing income, not based on your own direct ongoing effort, that would come in every month, regardless of whether you could even get out of bed that month or not? Is that too good to be true? Is that even legal? Is it ethical? OF COURSE IT IS 🙂 See our blog “Is it Legal?”. This concept is, in fact, very simple to understand, and yet requires guidance, commitment, and team support to bring to fruition.

How does the ordinary person create “Royalty Income”? What if you could build your own vehicle, from home, to take you to your dreams? We are guiding and teaching motivated people how to build a structure for product distribution. We call it a “Mini Office Outlet”. It includes a distributorship that pays a % on total volume of product moved, without maintaining, or pre-purchasing, inventory.

Is this “Selling”? No, We do not focus on selling. Being a product salesperson requires skills, knowledge, and the energy to maintain the effort needed to create those individual sales on an ongoing basis… basically, a job. Remember, when you stop selling, people stop buying… that does not meet our criteria for true passive income. Besides, most people simply don’t want to “sell” for a living. Let us teach you what we do, and judge for yourself.

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Whatever path you choose, be well, be happy, and make this life a great one!


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